Final Nights

Donate nightly over the final nights of Ramadhan

Let us take advantage of the last few nights of Ramadhan before they leave us by donating on a nightly basis. Please select one of the amounts below (payments will be automated to stop on Eid):

Alternatively, you could donate through any of the following ways:

Bank Transfer/BACS

Preferred option for single donations.

Please use the following details to transfer to our NatWest account:

Name of Account: Jamea al Kauthar
Account No: 53542835
Sort Code: 01-54-90

For donations from outside the UK, please click here for BIC/IBAN details.

IBAN: GB85 NWBK 0154 9053 5428 35

Standing Order

Preferred option for regular donations.

You can now use online banking to start up a regular payment. Generally, all banks have the same principles. Follow the instructions of your bank. Look for Standing Order/ Transfer/ Move Money.

Direct Debit

If you would like to donate on a regular basis, select the one of the amounts below to start the setup process:

If you wish to contribute via cheque: please make it payable to ‘Jamea Al Kauthar’ and post to Jamea Al Kauthar, Ashton Road, Lancaster LA1 5AJ.

We pray that Allah answers your calls of prayer in times of need, adversity and hardship, and rewards you for your help and support. Aameen.